
Back-end changes can be found in the complete back-end changelog.

Front-end changes are documented on GitHub.

Previous releases not listed on this page are on the Changelog Archive.

All manual updates are listed at the bottom of this page.

Current release [06/28/2024]

  • Adds the College Scorecard link to all footers
    See issue #306

03/07/2024 release

  • Implements Able Player for audio and video chunks
    See issues #268 and #273
A manual update is required to apply this update. Pages containing audio and video chunks will need to be published after the manual update is applied. You may need to clear your web browser's cache to see the updated player. Please see the instructions in the manual updates section or try the Framework Update Tool.
  • Adds IU Indianapolis and IU Columbus brand assets
    See issue #265
A manual update and full site publish are required to apply this update. Please see the instructions in the manual updates section or try the Framework Update Tool. Coordinate this manual update with your domain switch.
  • Updates IU Indianapolis and IU Columbus campus names on profile pages
    See issue #265
A manual update is required to apply this update. Profile pages will need to be published after the manual update is applied. Please see the instructions in the manual updates section or try the Framework Update Tool. Coordinate this manual update with your domain switch.
  • Updates social icons on profile pages
    See issue #286

02/01/2024 release

  • Updates the Twitter social icon to reflect the new name
    See issue #286
A hard browser refresh may be required to update the icon fonts.

12/07/2023 release

  • Fixes accordion chunks with duplicate IDs
    See issue #279
Pages and attached sections with accordions will need to be published to apply this update.

09/07/2023 release

  • Fixes empty secondary navigation issue
    See issue #272
A site manager will need to publish the entire site to apply this update.
A site manager will need to publish the '_includes/belt' page to apply this update.

07/27/2023 release

  • Updates robots.txt for campaigns
    See issue #263
  • Adds deep linking integration for Siteimprove
    See issue #262
  • A site manager will need to publish the entire site to apply this update.
  • Updates the accessibility of the video chunk
    See issue #261

07/13/2023 release

  • Updates footer links to make them clearly identifiable
    See issue #251

06/01/2023 release

  • Adds Google Analytics 4 compatibility
    See issue #217
  • A site manager will need to publish the entire site to apply this update.
  • Updates codebase for PHP 8.2
    See issue #238, issue #239, and issue #248
  • Updates LiveWhale Feed parsing to resolve "Undefined property" error
    See issue #246

03/02/2023 release

  • Updates Table chunk headers to allow for special characters
    See issue #201
  • Updates Event Feed to allow for a long LiveWhale Feed URLs
    See issue #216
  • Updates LiveWhale Feed parsing to resolve "Undefined variable" error
    See issue #230
  • Updates sitemap.php to generate site maps using
    See issue #231
  • Updates to SEO for privacy and search index pages
    See issue #234
A site manager or site publisher will need to publish the /search/index.html page to apply this update.
  • Updates Profile Page to display the profile name as an <h1> header
    See issue #235
A site manager or site publisher will need to publish each Profile Page to apply this update.
  • Updates the root index page site title header tag
    See issue #236
A site manager or site publisher will need to publish the root index page to apply this update.

11/03/2022 release

  • Enhances the robustness of malformed LiveWhale Storyteller news URL
    See issue #224
  • Updates the site title header tag
    See issue #226
A site manager will need to publish the file '_includes/site-title' to apply this update.
  • Updates sitemap.php to generate site maps based on Sitemap Protocol 0.9
    See issue #225

10/06/2022 release

  • Adds support for IU News LiveWhale version 2 news feed
    See issue #223
  • Resolves IU News LiveWhale error message
    See issue #222
  • Updates focus state on navigation dropdown items
    See issue #219

09/01/2022 release

  • Adds support for IU News LiveWhale news feed and fallback for legacy feeds
    See issue #196 and issue #218
  • Updates message displayed when event feed is empty
    See issue #207
  • Updates LiveWhale news feed logic to display summary or description
    See issue #208
  • Updates Stat chunk text color over image backgrounds
    See issue #215

08/04/2022 release

  • Updates stat text color on image backgrounds
    See issue #211
  • Updates table text color on dark backgrounds
    See issue #204
  • Updates border color on bg-none and bg-gray
    See issue #212
  • Updates accordion-item element when placed after floated content
    See issue #210
  • Updates main navigation home and search icons when navigation is sticky
    See issue #209

06/02/2022 release

  • Updates Framework CSS and JS to bring styles more inline with Rivet 2.0
    See issue #199
A manual update and full site publish is needed to apply this update. Please see instructions in the manual updates section, or try the Web Framework Update Tool.
  • Updates events script for Live Whale API v2
    See issue #195

03/03/2022 release

  • Updates event feed for PHP 8.0, 8.1 compatibility
    See issue #192
  • Updates Slideshow ItemType
    See issue #190

02/03/2022 release

  • Updates footer to increase accessibility and update copyright
    See issue #187
  • Fixes list items with the target pseudo-class displaying incorrectly
    See issue #188
  • Updates frontend code to update dependencies
    See issue #189
  • Updates sitemap crontab schedule to run at random intervals
    See issue #171