The belt is the crimson area at the bottom of the page content. A belt can have up to two external links and social media icons that link to your social media pages.
To add an external link to your belt, add an external link asset from the New drop-down menu and put it in the root of your site. The external link should have None selected for Navigation Set. The framework will automatically assume it’s supposed to be in the belt.
To add social media links, edit your Settings block and copy/paste your applicable social media links.
Any changes to the belt require that the _includes/belt
page be published.
If you would like to have more than two external links for additional navigation or wish to display contact information and supplemental links, you can add a skirt to your page in addition to the belt. The skirt will appear between the belt and the footer.
If you would like to not include a belt on your site, remove any external links from the root of your site and the social media links from your Settings block. Be sure you have published the _includes/belt