Full Width Header

Full width header chunk

The full width header chunk may be used to add a header in the middle of content without creating a new section. A full width header will not work in a section with a grid.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ultrices enim a neque porta congue. Praesent a eros erat. Quisque pellentesque nec leo eget lacinia. Aliquam id ipsum vitae felis tincidunt luctus. Integer ut dui rhoncus, viverra tellus id, molestie magna.


Donec fermentum pellentesque justo, nec convallis ante condimentum eget. Nunc ornare neque in magna luctus, eu mattis sapien interdum.

Here is an example of a full width header between content

The whole crimson area is one section with a full width header in the middle.