
Panel chunk

Use a panel chunk to highlight content that has a clearly defined header and separate body content. It can be added anywhere on a page, but not in the full or breakout position.

A panel can be used to separate out contact information or other key messages using a panel at right one-third as a sidebar. A panel can include a button. If you would like all of the content to be a clickable link, consider using the interactive panel.

Panel example one

This is an example of a panel in the left position of two-third size.

Inline button

Panel example three

This is the third example. These panels are in a grid.

Panel example four

This panel contains a button.

Inline button


Chunk Header

This is the text that appears in a larger font size.

Header Level

This assigns a numbered hierarchy to your chunk header.


The bulk of the text goes in Content. It uses a WYSIWYG editor, and supports styling.