Image Essay

Examples of image essay options

Option 1: Large horizontal image on top

For this option, the large image is horizontal with two smaller images below it.

Large image size: 1536 px x 768 px

Small image size: 768 px  x 768 px

1536 x 768
768 by 768 pixel image placeholder
768 by 768 pixel image placeholder

This is an example of an image essay with the large horizontal image above the two smaller images. Publisher/Publication Name

Option 2: Large horizontal image on bottom

In this option, the large image is horizontal with the two smaller images above it.

Large image size: 1536 px x 768 px

Small image size: 768 px x 768 px

768 by 768 pixel image placeholder
768 by 768 pixel image placeholder
1536 x 768 px

This is the image essay configuration with a large horizontal image under the two smaller images. Creator Name

Option 3: Large vertical image on the left

With this option, the large image is vertical and to the left of the two smaller images.

Large image size: 768 px x 768 px

Small image size: 768 px x 384 px

768 by 768 pixel image placeholder
768 X 384 px placeholder image
768 X 384 px placeholder image

This is an example of the image essay with the large vertical image to the left of the smaller images. Photographer Name

Option 4: Large vertical image on the right

This option has a vertical large image to the right of the two smaller images.

Large image size: 768 px x 768 px

Small image size: 768 px x 384 px

768 X 384 px placeholder image
768 X 384 px placeholder image
768 by 768 pixel image placeholder

This is an example of the vertical large image placement to the right of the smaller images. Author Name