Centralized Global CSS

Step 1. Centralize the global CSS

Step 1.1

Go to the _includes folder and view.

_includes folder in the folder tree

Step 1.2

Go to Add Content and select File.

add content and file selection

Step 1.3

In the File Name field, enter global-css.html. Ensure that the Placement Folder is the _includes folder.

file name and placement folder

Step 1.4

In this file, include only the line below. This content does not look like a typical includes file, but is accurate.

example script for the global-css.html file

Step 1.5

Click Submit to save the file.

Step 1.6

Go to _includes/css.html file.

This file will contain "<link href="/_assets/css/site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />" and references to other CSS files.

css.html location in the folder tree

Step 1.7

Remove any references to links pointing to assets.iu.edu and fonts.iu.edu.

example of assets.iu.edu and fonts.iu.edu files to remove

Step 1.8

Submit to save changes.